Monday, November 24, 2008

Thankful for those little things

How funny is it that sometimes the smallest things make some of the greatest impacts....I mean really, sometimes one little thing will just make my whole week. As I thought about this over the past few days, I realized that I truly do have a lot to be thankful for. God is always so gracious to me in everything, yet because of my human-ness, being fulfilled is not always enough.

I was reading in this book titled "Through Painted Desserts" in a part where the author is wondering about the point of life. He is on a journey through the Grand Canyon and is engaging in some deep thoughts, some revolving around God, and in one of his conclusive moments he states " seems like life would be better if we could just let go of the thought we need more and more stuff to be happy, more and more of the approval of others." Wow, that little statement really got me because it made me think about my own life and how I constantly want more, and seek more. And that wanting within me makes me quickly forget the many, little, wonderful things that truly make up the real point of life. So what is the real point of life? Well, if we look at this question through God's eyes, He created us to live in relation with Him, to fulfill purposeful lives, that bring glory and honor to Him through it all. But how do I incorporate that point into my actual living? That is the more difficult have to let go of everything. All that You want, that You desire, that You think is best, and hand it over to God. Doesn't sound so hard...but in reality, it is. See, we are sinful, selfish, self-seeking, proud, beings. We want what we want, and we want it now. However, in God's world, He has a plan.....He places the plan in front of us and waits to see if we'll go with His flow. We have the choice, but then again, there comes that selfish-ambition, and BAM, we choose our own way. Has God's plan left us....nope, it's still there waiting for us to come back around. It's up to us how long it will take for us to finally give in to His perfect plan. The sooner we realize that we are living a troubleshoot life, the sooner we'll be able to settle for the premium Genius Bar service.

Everything God does for us He does with love and care. He uses anything He can to get our attention just to let us know hoe much He loves us. Why can't we take the blinds off our eyes? Have you ever wished for something, or even under your breath stated "Man, it'd be so nice if....(fill in the blank)? I know I have. And how many times have I been pleasantly surprised with what I wished for or even more than that? Let's just say I can't remember a time when I was not pleasantly surprised. Sometimes a person's simple smile can just fill you up, other times it's someone's simple "I'm praying for you," and yet other times, it's the beauty of Creation that surrounds us and reminds of us of how great our God is. So this Thanksgiving, what am I thankful for? I am thankful for all the little things that make the point of my life worth living for. Thank you so much God for all that you give me, and help me to always recognize your signature stamp, because after all, that is what relation is all about, it's about knowing You that well enough to see You in it all!

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