Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Confident Assurance

I would like to start out by saying "Happy Morning!" I also want to make a quick clarification from my last post...see after reviewing some things here and there, I realized that I clearly and confidently claimed Paul wrote the words in Hebrews, but the fact is that the actual author is unknown, and it seems that some believe Paul might have written it, but there is no clear answer to that. So, sorry about that if anyone caught it, haha! I like to think that Paul did write it, but I guess I won't know that until I'm in heaven one day!

Now, getting to the good stuff....I wanted to share that this week has been quite the ride. God has been throwing little surprises at me here and there that simply leave me in disbelief at how He works. He truly has our best interest in mind and how can we argue with that?! However, there is always the enemy who is also constantly trying to bring us down with his many lies. I am grateful that I have a God who is more powerful than anything else in this world and outside of this world. As soon as I call, He answers; when I am in need, He provides; in my time of pain and grief, He comforts; and when I long for Him, He fills me with his peace and love! What else could anyone ask for? Do I sound like a girl in love? Probably! I am definitely falling hard for the only one who will never leave nor abandon me; the only one who will always be by my side; the one who wipes my tears away and comforts me; the only one who can truly satisfy. And how does God respond to me, well...throughout His word he repeatedly reminds me that as long as I make Him my number one priority, He will take care of the rest. For "anyone who wants to come to him must believe that there is a God and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him" Hebrews 11:6, "Without wavering, let us hold tightly to the hope we say we have, for God can be trusted to keep his promise" Hebrews 10:23!!! WOW! God lets me know right on time that He is unlike faulty humans, He does not make a promise He cannot keep, in fact, He even works together with us in order for us to be able to live out our part of that bargain so that He can bless us in return. That is what I call sacrificial, unconditional love! He so wants us to be blessed that He takes the time to make sure we are surrounded by the resources and tools to be successful in following and trusting Him. Aren't you glad we have such a God?

If we would only listen when God is speaking. I have noticed in the past month or so that when I talk to God, somehow He finds a way to quickly respond me. Sometimes it is through a song, other times through His word, and still other times even through other people. It's a beautiful thing! But I am starting to think that God has always been speaking, it was me who was not really listening to what He had to what am I saying? That if you feel like you are asking God to make things clear for you, to guide you, to speak to your heart, but feel like He isn't..maybe you need to reevaluate where you are. Because God is there, working in your circumstances, in your surroundings, through the people in your life, but if you in your heart have not unlocked the can you expect to hear His still and peaceful voice? God is not going to force us to listen, it is up to us to want to hear Him out.

May God work in our lives, and may we be willing to let Him. May we gain the faith that is needed to have "the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen" Hebrews 11:1b. May we live lives that are pleasing and holy unto God, that we may bring glory to His name in all that we do.

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