Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Genuine Love for One Another

I think it is very interesting that throughout scripture, especially in the New Testament, the authors of the many books, or letters, as they referred to them, are often ended with a greeting and reminder that the author is praying dutifully for those he is writing to.

This got me to thinking. These men were so devoted to other Christ followers, it was ridiculous. I love it! When they took certain towns under their wing, when they preached the word of God into certain hearts, those people would be in their prayers for as long as they could live. I am amazed at how much love is shown among the people of God. They had discovered the true love that is repeatedly spoken about throughout scripture. I mean I understand that this life is about devoting ourselves to Christ and living for Him in every way we can, but He also created the Church body to be His bride. We are all meant to relate to one another and be there for each other. It should be in us to love one another! Christ himself stated it clearly when He changed the rules of the law from what the Old Testament expected, to simply loving one another as Christ loves us. It is such a simple concept, yet, for many of us a difficult one to practice. To love one another involves so much more than meeting together on Sunday's to worship together and receive word from God through His servant. It is more than simply thinking about someone and shooting a quick prayer once in a blue moon. Loving another has more to do than just asking someone how they are superficially. Loving one another means truly caring, taking the time to listen to the worries and cares of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. It means taking time out of our days to think of someone we know is going through rough times and praying for them until we know they get through it. It means crying with those who are suffering and rejoicing with those who are glad. Loving one another involves noticing the small things that could make a person smile and then doing something to make them actually smile. It means watching out for those who might be in trouble. Loving each other has to do with showing that we genuinely care and want to know more about each other in order to be there for one another. But this is such a hard thing to do. So many things get in the way of us being able to truly "love" one another. Some of us are too shy to talk to others, some of us do not have the time to spend time with others, some of us feel awkward letting someone unknown know about our lives. Some of us are uncomfortable sharing with people about our deepest feelings. It is too hard to show your real self to people sometimes. There are so many different excuses that we make, but is that what Christ wants from us? For us to live settled with having just a close few we love and care for, when there is a whole world of brothers and sisters crying for a shoulder to lean on? We need to pray if anything, for God to awaken in us the desire to love genuinely. We need to ask God to forgive us for not acting like the family we are. We must ask God to help us see past our own comfort zones, and delve into what others might need for once. I for one, am an introvert. It is difficult for me to talk to people at times. But if there is one thing I am learning, is that when the Spirit is leading me to do something out of my comfort zone, or if the Spirit allows me the opportunity to meet someone new, it is not out of coincidence, no! There is always a reason for everything. God has a plan, and everytime I have let Him lead me, it has been for the good. Not only do I bless another, but I get blessed as well. It all revolves around love. All of us just want to be loved, and as believers and followers of Christ, we know what ultimate love is, because God is love, and so if anyone out there can show others love, it is us because we can experience true love to the fullest through our Lord and Savior. So please, let's stop ignoring the obvious and begin to love one another the way Christ intended. What do you have to loose?

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