Friday, March 13, 2009

We are all pieces in His chess game...

It is surprising how much one can learn from an old story when reading it my quiet time I always ask God to reveal Himself to me through his word that I might understand something new, and He never fails in doing so. I was reading the story of Joseph today and man oh man, this guy was amazing, there is just so much to learn from him. He is the kind of person that suffered so much, yet, God blessed him tremendously. One of the things I noticed today was when the story tells about Joseph going to see the Pharoah in order to interpret his dreams. At this moment I realized something....Joseph started out as a dreamer...rememeber when he had his own dreams and shared them with his family, but they didn't believe him, well no where in that part of the story does it emphasize that he was interpreting those dreams, cause he had no idea what they really meant. But when we get to the part about Pharoahs dreams, Joseph first states that He is not the one who can interpret, but it is God through him that will explain what the dreams mean. So he is not taking any credit for this gift.....but yeah, he started out as a dreamer, then God enabled him to interpret dreams, and as if that were not enough, he also gives him the wisdom to be a strategic planner. Once Joseph explains the dreams he offers Pharoah a suggestion on how to deal with the issues that are coming. Amazing! So what is the main point to learn from this story....first of all that all things happen in God's timing. Sometimes I find myself in the same position as Joseph.....waiting for my dreams to come true, waiting for the promises of God in my life to shine through, but I struggle with it, because in the midst of God asking me to patiently wait on Him and His plans, I begin to fidget because I want action now....I can learn a thing or two from Joseph..he not only waited and trusted in God but he lived life one day at a time and God opened doors for him left and right! Although the road to success was difficult and filled with pain, Joseph never turned his back on God, he never gave up on the hope of a better tomorrow. I need to learn to live like that. I need to learn to believe that God's plans will come to be, however, they will happen when He wants them to. Joseph was 30 when his time to shine who is to say I am getting older and nothing is, God is in control, He knows what is best for me, He knows that I am not ready yet, He is still preparing my heart from dreamer only status to a understander, interpreter, and doer. At the right time, God will accomplish His plan for the meantime, all I need to do is wait, live life with no regrets, work and serve where ever I can to learn and grow, and then, when I am ready, God will make a move with me and I will be no longer just a pawn waiting, but a key piece in the game! Can't wait!

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