Sunday, March 22, 2009

Frustrations unleashed

I know it has been a little while, and I usually come on here and say something good...but there has been something that has been on my mind that has disturbed me, been stirring me, and that simply frustrates the heck out of me....

Have you ever been in the position where there was a person you really wanted to meet, someone whom you simply want to talk to that you think you could have a grand conversation with, someone you think you could get along with, or even someone you would like to get to know as a friend, but for one reason or another, it just seems so impossible for the two of you to ever meet....? That is a situation I feel I am currently in....and actually in more than one scenario.....I mean, it is really beginning to bug me that because of awkwardness that one is trying to avoid, one also chooses to sacrifice the possibility of a potential good thing. Because one does not want to be rejected, because one does not want to be looked at as weird, as a stalker, or creeper, one does not take risks in opening up and meeting people they really want to meet. Why is it that we feel we cannot just approach someone with innocent, pure intentions? Why is it that we are so afraid of rejection, when there is nothing to loose from the rejection of someone you don't even really know? Why is it that we are afraid of loosing something that we don't even have yet? I have no clue! But it bothers me that this is how many of us think and feel. We go about our lives living in a way that is restrained, limited, held back, and full of regrets. We do not take leaps that lead to high risks because we do not want to get hurt or dirty in any way. Yet, how will we ever discover new things, how will we ever uncover new friendships, new ideas, new conversations, new thoughts and encouragements, if we do not at least give it a chance? And what do I mean by chance, you may ask? Well, I am saying that I want to live a life without so much fear....I am so sick an tired of being afraid, of holding back only because I am afraid of what will happen, that it may not turn out the way I what? If it does not turn out that way, perhaps it will turn out better, does not God have the best intentions for our live if we are living under His guidance? Yes. But even in this, it takes work on our part, and it may take some rejection, but little by little we will discover what needs to be discovered, we will meet those we were truly destined to meet, and we will uncover truths we truly sought for. This is one of those complex but not really dilemmas. It's like you know you can just take the risk and talk to that person, but then at the same time, you are having an inner struggle with yourself, one way pulling towards taking the risk because you have nothing to really loose, the other pulling towards staying as far away as possible in order to not suffer. Life would just be so much easier if people saw things for what they simply are. If I am talking to you, that is it, I'm not hitting on you, not looking to bug you, not stalking you, simply want to get to know a potential friend. That's it. Life would be so much easier and so much better if we could all just trust one another to such a point. Perhaps one day we will revert to such pleasant times, but for now, I remain frustrated, turning only to God for comfort and understanding. Sorry, this was def more of vent, but I've got to unleash it somewhere, hehe!

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