Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hello, hello

It has definitely been a long time since I had a blog where I could put my thoughts down in writing, and not just on paper with pen, but actually stored away somewhere in the unknown where anyone can access, what sometimes are the unheard cries of my heart, and at other times, are the thoughts swimming around in my mind desperately trying to come out. I'm not gonna lie, I am a bit skeptical of trying this again, being that my last experience ended with all of my precious thoughts being deleted against my will, without any notice, and forever gone!!! Let's hope that does not happen again!

Anyways, this blog is going to be a place where I will share, explore, and delve into things I am learning, things I am perceiving, things that hopefully are worth telling. I often find myself at points in time when I have thoughts racing through my mind that are pushing to come out somehow, and luckily for me, I have always found a sanctuary in writing. For one reason or another, when I cannot express that which is within me through spoken words, the point seems to come across quite well in my writing....not that I am some genius writer, because I am far from that, but I do enjoy it and I hope that perhaps one thing I write might impact someone out there who might have needed to read exactly what was written. At times, you may question what I write, or perhaps question the way I write. I am perfectly fine with that, and would hope you would seek clarification if needed. However, when reading what I write, just keep in mind that these are simply thoughts directly from my mind, heart, and soul. This is the bare me, nothing else to it! So please sit back, enjoy the read, and take some time to dwell on it if reflect and hopefully benefit in some way from even a word or a phrase in between the lines. After all, no one is right or wrong here, this is just a place to release, to let out the waves of thoughts onto some concrete form, that will hopefully help both me, as well as anyone else reading, grow in some way. Thanks in advance for taking the time to read! my thoughts revealed!

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