Friday, April 29, 2011

Day after day...

So here I am, now 27 years old, still in the early months of marriage, in a new community, environment and culture, away from my family and friends, and working hard to make my dent for kingdom of my Father!

Let's just say that this new life of mine has been interesting every single day. It seems that not a day goes by without learning something new, without a new challenge, without something new to look forward to, without a new surprise to my ears, eyes, mouth, mind, and heart! Can it be possible that life can be this way? Is is normal to be this happy and excited about what is to come? To look forward to the challenges knowing and seeing the hand of God as it moves so strongly in my life and that of my husbands?

Let me say that more and more I am believing this with all my heart.

A few months ago, Andy and I were given the advice to pray together whenever we could, so Andy suggested "why not now" and we went with it....pretty much one of the best decisions we've made.

Every night we make it a priority to get on our knees or on our faces and just have a good ol' talk with Papa on His throne. It's such an awesome thing that we have been witnessing.

Seriously, we pray for things one night, and within the next day or so we start seeing those prayers's incredible!!! I have been seeing God's faithfulness in my life more and more and it just makes my mind explode every time. Sometimes I complain, sometimes I cry, sometimes all I do is thank Him, and yet other times, I just tell him about those things deep within...and He ALWAYS listens...its like every night when we are about to go to bed, we get on our knees and it dials out to station 101.2 K-I-N-G (my imaginary station straight to God...1on1 time between the 2 of us to the KING!) I know I'm a with it....

But there we find ourselves...automatically dialing in and He grabs his popcorn and listens in to the dialer for some one on one time...who are we to deserve such attention...yet He takes the time to stop time in His realm of things just to spend it with us, listening to the things He already knows so well, yet desiring all the more to hear them straight from our lips to his ears...WOW!

We are so blessed that we don't even know it sometimes...and I am extremely thankful for that. I am thankful that daily He is giving me more and more faith, increasing it for me in such ways that I believe His word all the more when it tells me that I can do allllll things through Him!

So how is life does it feel now that we have been "welcomed to ministry" -- AWESOME....because God's grace is ever abounding, His love is everflowing, and His anointing is increasing each day as we draw closer to Him.

Thank You my Jesus.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

So begins the new journey....

It's been a while and yes, many, many things have changed, and as soon as I get a moment, I want to get on here and write of the many things God has done. One thing I do know as of right now, is that God is on the move...He is preparing some major things for my husband and I and I honestly cannot wait!

It's weird how God leads us through life in such a way that we cannot understand, and can barely's almost like a dream that you feel is too good to be true. But that is exactly what was preached to us this past Sunday by the NorthWest University President, Joseph Castleberry! And let me tell you, this guy blew my socks off with his was filled with so much passion and anointing that I couldn't help but praise God! I am so grateful for God's word that is true and inspiring!

I ask that everyone join us in praying for this year to start the mark, the dent in history, where young people everywhere, who are passionate for God and His kingdom, will begin to break down the walls of the past and begin revolutionizing this world for God's glory!

So excited!!!!!!!!!