Friday, August 28, 2009

Letting Go...

At times it is so difficult to be there for those you's not that you don't want to be there for them, it's simply that you may not be the correct, or indicated person to be there for them in a particular circumstance. But it is so hard to let many times we see our struggles of letting go as something that we so desperately need for ourselves...we don't want to let go of those selfish, self-absorbed things that overpower and crowd our lives because in one way or another they make us believe that we are fulfilled and satisfied by them, and yea it's hard to let those things go, but at the same time, we know we need to let them go, and so we come before the cross, at the feet of Christ and we lay those things down in hope, surrender, and utter brokeness...asking God to take away that shame, to take away the things that are keeping us from fully receiving His grace...but what about the things that we sometimes need to let go that are important to us for different reasons--for example...what if we have a friend who has become dependent...a friend who has issues that you may have the answer to, you may have a solution to, you may want to help pull them towards, or push them away from...perhaps it is a circumstance that you know there is an alternative route to...however, for one reason or another, it is not your battle and the things you see so clearly, often remain obscure for that person. So what about letting go of that? Letting God take that into complete control? It almost seems harder to me at this's like I know that I can trust that God will take care of everything, but at the same time I want to stick my big toe into it because maybe it's not just my friend who has become dependent on me, or those of us who love him, but maybe it's us who have also become dependent on helping others get out of their ditches, when in reality they needed to learn how to get out of that ditch alone. Is it that God is testing us to see how far we will make it? Is it that God tries our patience to see if we will wait on Him and His timing? Is is that God is trying to show us something deeper than what our minds can grasp blindly...perhaps we need divine revelation, inspiration...what is it? Only God knows....and when those times comes all we can really do is rely on Him in the utmost way. Because after all He is God. Who can go against Him, who will win without Him, who will overcome if not He??? He is the only one who can get us from point a to point b safely...He is the only one who we will one day stand before and be judged by...He is the source of life, and the one who can take life away...He is the one whom all creation obeys...He is God...and I we really know Him? Do we understand the depth of His being and His relation to us as His children? It is at times like these that I feel that we lack so much understanding...and then my prayer becomes, Lord provide me with your wisdom, because otherwise I am lost...I am so desperately lost without you! I want understanding above all...and He as my King, and my Lord, is the only one who can provide me that knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and He is the only one who will help me make it through each day, and not only me but those who I am on my knees battling for as well. This life is surrounded by an ongoing war, and this war...boy oh boy, we have no idea how serious it is so much more than what our bare eyes can see...there are principalities and demonic forces out there that are waging for our souls, yet Christ is the victor at the end of this story...there is no denying that! He is victorious, and we all know how this will end one day. And on that day, you'd better believe that I am going to be on the right side, the side of my Savior Jesus Christ. It feels so good to have the understanding that I am on His side and He is on mine. That I am not in this war fact, I am covered with the precious blood that paid the price in full for me. I have nothing to fear, I have nothing to run away from, I belong to Him, I am His, and He will guard me, He will protect me, and He will be my justice overall. If He is for us, who can be against us.

I'm alive and I'm free....